Summer of Small Waves

5 years ago began a tradition. A tradition of getting together at least once a week for the 3 months we had to surf small waves. Despite the little amount of money we all had in our bank accounts, working when we could, we made it happen. We still got together. Sometimes pushing the sunlight’s limits and surfing until dusk. Ignoring “beware of sharks” signs. It was the summer of doing, it was the summer of small waves. 

Small waves and baby crushes on all the surfer boys out in the lineup. Some were sitting beachside in their vans and trucks, salty and sweet. Overcome with giddiness and that feeling of sunburns with your best friends, the rock wounds on your toes and bruised hip bones. The amount of “new” music we all heard because everyone had their own taste. All the snacks, the wax, and the waiting in line to park - sometimes hours went by. It humbled us.  Little bullets of sweat and trading secrets in the back seats. Creating inside jokes that sit with us today. 

All the money spent on film was well worth all the shoots we had to do to compensate. All the surprises and running into people we hadn’t seen or spoken to in months. Fighting new and old feelings one once had. Sweet summer of love. Not only romantically, but that deep love with best friends. Friends that we’ve prayed about having all our lives. A summer of intentional prayers lifted. A summer of long-term friendships. All the sunny days never getting old. Days that didn’t end until we couldn’t keep our salty eyes open anymore. It was the summer of friendships that will last lifetimes to come. These will be the stories talked about when we get older. The memories that are cherished forever and never forgotten. A summer of small waves will be the summer that will always be replayed. 

